Establishment Year


For Admission Call Us

+91 9418449909

Special Fine

The Pupil-Teacher who will not be in proper college uniform/ college dress code during the course, have to pay special fine of Rs. 10/- per day

Absence fine from Micro-Teaching or other sessional work is Rs. 10/- per session.

A Special fine of Rs.50/- minimum as per the recommendation of the Discipline Committee on the spot can be imposed on defaulters.

Absence from Morning Assembly and Yoga would entail a fine of Rs.10/- per day.

Absence fine and special fines will have to be deposited on the notified dates.

Any trainee causing damage to the college property will be specially fined with Rs.200/- per damaged material and complete cost of that material/equipment will be charged from defaulter.

Pupil-teacher found guilty of using mobile phone in classroom, labs college & campus during the working hours will be fined with Rs.100/-.