Establishment Year


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Laboratory and Resource center

Art and Craft Resource Centre: The college constitutes a well-equipped art and craft resource center. This center provides a platform to pupil-teachers to develop the various skills in preparing instructional material and to foster the creativity of students.

ICT Resource Centre:  The college is furnished with well-maintained ICT Resource Centre to facilitate the Pupil- Teachers with various Education Technologies and to make the Pupil-Teachers to use these technologies in the Teaching – Learning process. This resource center is equipped with 22 computers with suitable configuration and internet (Wi-Fi) facility as well as Slide Projector, Over Head Project, Television, Movie Projector, Home Theatre, Loudspeaker, Cassette Player, Microphones, Radio, Models , Charts, CD's Maps, Transparencies, Flash cards, slides etc. Here the Pupil- Teacher are acquainted with the knowledge, use and working of these various audio-visual equipments.

Psychology Resource Centre:-The Psychology resource consists of various Psychological Test and apparatus for the assessment/ measurement of different psychological aspects such as intelligence, Personality, Mental Health and Learning ability etc.

Health and Physical Education Resource Center:- The college has a well maintained Health and Physical Education Resource Center which includes the playground for outdoor games like volleyball, Badminton etc. and a large room for the physical and mental development of pupil- teachers. Besides these sports facilities Yoga Education/ Exercises are also practiced regularly here to ensure the physical, mental and spiritual potential of students.

Science and Mathematics Resource Centre:- The college has well maintained science and mathematics resource centre for the development of scientific and mathematical skills in pupil-teachers. This centre is equipped with multiple sets of science (physical as well as life science) apparatus, testing materials/ chemicals and all the basic facilities for practical work and experiments. There is also a good collection of charts, working models and specimens to develop scientific attitude, aptitude, reasoning ability, logical thinking, imagination and perception etc. of the students.

Curriculum Laboratory:- To facilitate the practical knowledge of theoretical principles the college maintained well equipped curriculum laboratory. Language lab which helps the students in development of communication skills and improvements in language. Science lab and psychology lab are also the part of the Curriculum Laboratory for all round development of students.