Establishment Year


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+91 9418449909

Special Features

1.  Library-cum-Reading Room- The college has a well-stocked library with large number of standard books both on education and on general subjects. The college subscribes to most important magazines [Hindi as well as English], Journal, daily newspapers and periodicals. It has a spacious reading room with sitting capacity of 100 students.

2. Computer Education- The computer education is necessary for all the students nowadays. So the students are well acquainted with computer and both theoretical andpractical education is provided by college to all the students.

3. Audio- Visual aids- The college has a good stock of teaching aids which the teachers use when they go into the classroom for making teaching-learning process easy, effective and productive. Some A-V aids available in the college are such as-charts, models, OHP, flash cards, projector etc.

4. Morning Assembly- Every day the staff and the students get together where students and teachers got an opportunity to give informative talks on education and morality. Presence of all the students and staff of the college is compulsory.

5. Seminar- Seminar on different topics are organized by the college time to time for the cognitive development of students.

6. Debates and Discussions- The college has also organized debates and discussions on various topic for enhancing mental and confidence level of students.

7. Tutorials- Tutorial group meetings are also held in the college for an informal discussion on various topics related with the curriculum.

8. Teaching Training Program- To Prepare the best teacher the various small groups of 10-15 students are framed where the training on various teaching skills are given to all students in artificial classroom situation.

9. internship Program- After the teaching training in artificial micro-teaching classes, the students have given opportunities to teach in the real classroom situation/environment. To fulfill this objective the college conducts internship programme two times in nearby Govt. schools. Internship-1 for one month during 2nd sem, and Internship-II for four months during 3rd sem.